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Trump Weakly ...

Get out the word to five or five hundred friends by using this quick form to send them a note.

The Share tool will send a mini e-newsletter – an example is viewable here – to each of your recipients. You will receive a confirmation page of e-mail addresses to which you pushed the message. Personal messages may be up to 50 words long and will appear toward the top of the mini e-newsletter.

*Your Name:

*Your E-Mail Address:

*E-Mail Addresses of Recipients:
Copy-and-paste (or, if your programs support it, drag-and-drop) up to 50 entries in a single pass from your address book or a document -- OR enter one or more e-mail addresses separated by commas, spaces or line breaks -- OR use a combination of both methods. We'll sort it all out and extract each e-mail address in a valid format.

Personal Message
You may add your own personal message here.

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animation link graphic animation link graphic
cartoon poster
illustration by Yorik
1&Done Focus:
  • Support Reagan-era GOP common-sense principles that American voters crave.
  • Help inform and animate the Post-Trump era of political leadership.
  • Promote character and competence for a ReNewed GOP that appeals to Independent voters.
  • Read More ...
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